Still on that boat…

Strawberry blonde in a dizzy world!

About me


Who am I?

Was – independent, intelligent (with plenty of dizzy moments), successful, busy, funny (depending on how much Prosecco I and the people around me had!), quite stressed out but overall happy, without even realising how lucky I was.

Now  – ? just a mess really! I was diagnosed with Migraine Associated Vertigo (MAV) eight years ago when my life changed dramatically. It’s a variant of migraine that means I feel dizzy and tired nearly all of the time. If I try and do anything ‘normal’ this sparks of vertigo which gradually gets worse and worse until I pass out unless I lie down for hours, sometimes days. What this means is I spend 90% of my time in bed in a quiet dark room. Normal activities like shopping, walking, going anywhere bright or busy, the cinema even visiting friends who have patterned wallpaper or a gravel drive is a nightmare!

I’m continually trying new medications, all of them with quite nasty side effects (worsening of vertigo, weight loss, hair loss and sense of humour loss to name but a few) to try and find the magic one that will work for me. Fingers crossed the one I’m on now will work, time will tell.

A good friend set up this website so I could become a ginger whinger. No I’m kidding, so people can understand what I’m going through and maybe it would help me to have a bit of a rant. I have quite a dark sense of humour, I think that’s the only reason I haven’t gone completely bonkers! I clearly don’t have the most exciting of lives but I live in a small village with some entertaining characters and I’m always having blond moments (I blame the meds but I’ve always been a bit dappy!). Who knows I may even get better, and I can assure you life will be filled with amazing adventures then!

Scrap that! After zillions of Consultants all saying that they know what’s wrong with me and that they can get me better. Endless drugs and procedures I was finally Diagnosed with Chronic Lyme which was great – until I find out that nobody in the UK has a clue how to treat it. That complicates things some what 😉



12 Comments to

“About me”

  1. Avatar January 17th, 2013 at 1:00 am pimms o clock Says:

    i believe in the “was” of Sues
    once I was – a very skinny eating disorder girl, who pretty much put her family through hell and hated everything about herself…. had to speak to someone about how mental I was, and took drugs for i luckily for me it was a mental problem and i could change me, myself and be the person I once was, it took 3 years, an amazing man and my family and friends, yet still have issues, but only teeny weeny in comparison…
    I truly believe in you and the amazing person you are and what through the hardship you and people can achieve…
    I always think of you and speak of how amazing you are.. xxxx
    We must catch up, come see me in the big smoke if you fancy a day out
    love you very much
    You will get over this, human beings are amazing things and achieve unbelievable things… you will get there I truly believe it x you are a special lady xxx

  2. Avatar January 20th, 2013 at 12:16 pm Susan Cartwright Says:

    Thanks so much! You have really inspired me as you are such a tough person to go through all that, you are amazing. Really hope i can be as strong as you have been!
    I would really love to catch up with you in London, will have to shake this vertigo thing so i can have some fun again! its such a pisser 😉
    You take care missy xxx

  3. Avatar January 17th, 2013 at 11:26 am Emma Says:

    Hi Sues!
    Who would have thought you’d have your own website? 🙂
    What a great idea to do a blog. Well done for keeping positive!
    And great to see you haven’t lost that Sues sense of humour, gotta keep smiling 🙂
    I know you’ll be using this experience to find new avenues to life that you perhaps wouldn’t have had opportunity to discover if you were still stuck on the daily treadmill of work. Website today, what next – novel? You’ve certainly got the writing skills for it, from the blogs above.
    I always think that it’s not what life throws at us, it’s how we deal with it that counts – and I know you’re a strong and capable woman who will turn all of this into a positive some day, whilst baking some fabulous cakes too!

    Go for it!

  4. Avatar January 20th, 2013 at 12:21 pm Susan Cartwright Says:

    Well i have to admit it was not my idea it was our follically challenged friends idea!
    Thanks for all the encouragement, things have been a bit tough so its been a real tonic getting all these positive posts!
    I have made so many cakes of late i think Mary Berry will soon be calling me up for hints!

  5. Avatar July 17th, 2013 at 5:34 am Laura B Says:

    Your blog is really funny and I must admit I wish you lived somewhere near me so we could grab a coffee (/whatever us MAV’ers drink instead of caffeinated beverages)
    I’ve had MAV for approximately a year. It’s a really strange disorder and sometimes the best medicine is laughter.
    What else can you do but laugh when the spinny sensations happen at the most awkward times?

    I’m 28 and have a blog as well (, although I don’t have the balls to talk about my MAV on it just yet- I think others have a hard time understanding so I’m usually hesitant to tell people.

    Feel free to send me an email or keep in touch if you ever need someone to commiserate with.

    Best of luck,

  6. Avatar July 18th, 2013 at 11:22 am Susan Cartwright Says:

    Hi Laura thanks so much for getting in touch!

    Yes it would be good to catch up over a peppermint tea (it rocks!) and try to have a giggle over what’s happened to us. You are so right, you have to laugh or you’d just cry! I’m so sorry that you have this condition it really is a bugger. Are you getting good help with it? Do you have a good consultant?

    I feel it’s really helped me doing this blog and I think it’s made my friends realise what I’m going through. I think it was getting me down when I thought people didn’t understand. I thought they thought I was fine because I’d rest up when I was seeing them so outwardly I wouldn’t appear that ill. My Consulatnt said people will never understand what we are going through (even those really close to us) so you have to stop letting that upset you. Maybe it would help you to write about it? I have to admit I have deleted some things that I was going to post as I thought they were just too honest – you have to do what you’re comfortable with.

    I really hope you are getting in top of this illness. Let me know how you get on. I’m going to check out your blog now 😉

    Take care 🙂

  7. Avatar September 19th, 2013 at 8:02 pm Miss R Says:

    I have spent last hour or so laughing and crying at your blog!
    I have Mav too :/ it’s. coming up to 2 years and I can just releate to all you say. Please keep it up!

  8. Avatar September 25th, 2013 at 12:24 pm Susan Cartwright Says:

    Thanks so much Miss R that’s really kind. I’m really sorry you have this awful illness too! I hope that you’re winning and if you are let me in on the secret 😉

  9. Avatar June 19th, 2017 at 3:53 am LouiseU Says:

    Just wanted to reach out and let you know I am thinking of you. Wish I could pop over.
    Christine is here right now. Off to the mountains for a few days tomorrow.
    Much love.?

  10. Avatar June 25th, 2017 at 4:41 pm Susan Cartwright Says:

    Thanks so much. We must invent a teleporting machine – life would be much easier! I hope you both have a lovely times xx

  11. Avatar October 12th, 2018 at 7:04 pm Steve Girard Says:

    Hey Cryo Team!

    If I were to send you 100 highly targeted inquiries for Cryotherapy this month, could you handle them?

    These are seriously motivated potential customers who are considering Cryotherapy and are looking to get their questions answered before treatment

    Do you have the capacity to handle this many new patient inquiries over the next 30 days?

    If yes, then Id love to chat with you more about how we can help make this a reality.

    This isnt for everyone which is why a quick 15-minute call to see if theres a fit first will be really worthwhile.

    Do you have some time today or early next week to discuss?



    P.S. If youd like to talk asap, just give me a call on 888-996-4376

  12. Avatar October 13th, 2018 at 1:49 am Susan Cartwright Says:

    Hi Steve,

    I would have loved too but I’m having to concentrate on my treatment at the moment. It is making me extremely tired so I would not be able to explain the cryotherapy properly or do it justice. I will be doing another blog entry on it shortly and you are more than welcome to refer people to it. Of course it’s just my opinion. Thanks for getting in touch and I hope that you manage to find someone to help you 🙂

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Your Comment:

Who am I?

Was – independent, intelligent (with plenty of dizzy moments), successful, busy, funny (depending on how much Prosecco I and the people around me had!), quite stressed out but overall happy, without even realising how lucky I was.

Now  – ? just a mess really! I was diagnosed with Migraine Associated Vertigo (MAV) eight years ago when my life changed dramatically. It’s a variant of migraine that means I feel dizzy and tired nearly all of the time. If I try and do anything ‘normal’ this sparks of vertigo which gradually gets worse and worse until I pass out unless I lie down for hours, sometimes days. What this means is I spend 90% of my time in bed in a quiet dark room. Normal activities like shopping, walking, going anywhere bright or busy, the cinema even visiting friends who have patterned wallpaper or a gravel drive is a nightmare!

I’m continually trying new medications, all of them with quite nasty side effects (worsening of vertigo, weight loss, hair loss and sense of humour loss to name but a few) to try and find the magic one that will work for me. Fingers crossed the one I’m on now will work, time will tell.

A good friend set up this website so I could become a ginger whinger. No I’m kidding, so people can understand what I’m going through and maybe it would help me to have a bit of a rant. I have quite a dark sense of humour, I think that’s the only reason I haven’t gone completely bonkers! I clearly don’t have the most exciting of lives but I live in a small village with some entertaining characters and I’m always having blond moments (I blame the meds but I’ve always been a bit dappy!). Who knows I may even get better, and I can assure you life will be filled with amazing adventures then!

Scrap that! After zillions of Consultants all saying that they know what’s wrong with me and that they can get me better. Endless drugs and procedures I was finally Diagnosed with Chronic Lyme which was great – until I find out that nobody in the UK has a clue how to treat it. That complicates things some what 😉

