Still on that boat…

Strawberry blonde in a dizzy world!

Back in the Bray


Well I’m really happy as (fingers crossed) I seem to be doing ok since my return from Spain. I thought I’d be really ill, especially after the airport drama (God only knows how I survived that!). I think it helps that we have beautiful sunshine at the moment and I can finally get my garden chair out of the shed.


I think it’s given me a bit more confidence realising that if I pace myself I can cope on my own. Having a bit of independence back feels amazing and I must try and keep it up. I also realised that I can make friends because despite being sick I’m still a nice person and if they are worth being friends with they will not mind about my ‘incidents’. Me wobbling all over the place and hanging onto trees didn’t seem to phase the Hungarian at all he just helped me out and didn’t think I was crazy (well at least he hid that well if he did!).


With that in mind I’ve put myself on a dating site (don’t laugh). I’m not fussed so much about a relationship but it would be nice to meet some new people and see what happens. Don’t get too excited I’ve only had interest from 60 year old, fat, bald men. No offence I’m sure they are lovely.


I went to the landlord of the local pubs wedding reception which was fun it was in a sculpture gallery. A little old lady actually asked me (giggling)to take a picture of her, the cake and the ‘bits’. I got pretty well acquainted with the floor there too but not due to the vertigo. Wooden floor + bubble machine + stiletto heels = VERY BAD COMBINATION (and no it wasn’t the wine!). It would be me that found that out first! I was so worried about the blinking patterned carpet setting me off I didn’t think. Anyway, I found my perfect man (may cancel my dating site subscription) – the strong silent type 😉


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6 Comments to

“Back in the Bray”

  1. Avatar June 4th, 2013 at 8:43 pm maggie Says:

    brilliant pic!!!x

  2. Avatar June 5th, 2013 at 10:26 pm Pete Says:

    Good catch Sues – he even goes with the dress!

  3. Avatar June 6th, 2013 at 9:32 am Susan Cartwright Says:

    There is just not enough green tinged men around 🙁

  4. Avatar June 6th, 2013 at 5:03 am Snowy Says:

    Looks like a solid candidate for boyfriend material 😉

  5. Avatar June 20th, 2013 at 2:48 am Louise Says:

    Hey Sues just found out about this site. Keep up the fight and have as much fun as you can muster. Thinking of you always. xx

  6. Avatar June 27th, 2013 at 5:25 pm Susan Cartwright Says:

    Cheers Louise that’s really kind of you xx

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Who am I?

Was – independent, intelligent (with plenty of dizzy moments), successful, busy, funny (depending on how much Prosecco I and the people around me had!), quite stressed out but overall happy, without even realising how lucky I was.

Now  – ? just a mess really! I was diagnosed with Migraine Associated Vertigo (MAV) eight years ago when my life changed dramatically. It’s a variant of migraine that means I feel dizzy and tired nearly all of the time. If I try and do anything ‘normal’ this sparks of vertigo which gradually gets worse and worse until I pass out unless I lie down for hours, sometimes days. What this means is I spend 90% of my time in bed in a quiet dark room. Normal activities like shopping, walking, going anywhere bright or busy, the cinema even visiting friends who have patterned wallpaper or a gravel drive is a nightmare!

I’m continually trying new medications, all of them with quite nasty side effects (worsening of vertigo, weight loss, hair loss and sense of humour loss to name but a few) to try and find the magic one that will work for me. Fingers crossed the one I’m on now will work, time will tell.

A good friend set up this website so I could become a ginger whinger. No I’m kidding, so people can understand what I’m going through and maybe it would help me to have a bit of a rant. I have quite a dark sense of humour, I think that’s the only reason I haven’t gone completely bonkers! I clearly don’t have the most exciting of lives but I live in a small village with some entertaining characters and I’m always having blond moments (I blame the meds but I’ve always been a bit dappy!). Who knows I may even get better, and I can assure you life will be filled with amazing adventures then!

Scrap that! After zillions of Consultants all saying that they know what’s wrong with me and that they can get me better. Endless drugs and procedures I was finally Diagnosed with Chronic Lyme which was great – until I find out that nobody in the UK has a clue how to treat it. That complicates things some what 😉

